Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23(1): 71–82



The former Roman city and the legionary fort Viminacium lie under the fields of the modern villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, at the right Mlava bank, some 15 km to the north of Požarevac in Eastern Serbia. Viminacium was the capital of the Roman province of Upper Moesia (Moesia Superior) and also an important military stronghold at the northern border of the empire. During pre-Roman times, this area was inhabited by a mixed population, consisting of Celts and of a native Illyrian ethnic group, called by a common name of Scordisci. During the 1st century AD, the Dacians also inhabited this area. Until now, among numerous Viminacium graves (some 14,000), nineteen graves were specified as carriers of either Celtic-Scordiscian or Dacian Late Iron Age tradition. This number is surely bigger but by now, only about a thousand graves were published. “S”-profiled bowls were considered main features of graves with a Celtic-Scordiscian tradition, while Dacian pots were considered main features of graves with a Dacian Late Iron Age tradition. The paper deals with the finds themselves, but also with possible gender determinations of the deceased buried in these graves and with their social and economic status within the Roman society of Viminacium.

Autoarele analizează descoperirile din mormintele de epocă romană de la Viminacium, capitala Moesiei Superior și important castru militar în același timp. Acest lucru este important în vederea observării persistenței unor tradiții pre-romane în fabricarea materialelor, având în vedere faptul că zona fusese locuită de scordisci și daci înaintea cuceririi romane. Totodată, se urmărește determinarea sexului defuncților din aceste morminte, precum și statutul lor economic și social în cadrul societății romane din Viminacium.



Viminacium, grave-goods, S-profiled bowls, Late Iron Age tradition



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