Numismatic Material of the XVIII-XX Centuries from the Lands of the Village of Ulanovo and the Village of Kulaevo in the Pestrechinsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):581-589 Maria M. TRUSHINA, Maxim V. TRUSHIN DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-15 ABSTRACT Modern Russian archaeologists and other representatives of historical science are quite actively exploring ancient coins found in various regions of the Russian Federation. A fairly significant part of the research concerns the history of ancient coins discovered on the territory of the Volga region and Tatarstan, in particular. There is practically no data on numismatic material from the Pestrechinsky district, which determined the relevance of this work. The analysis of the coin collection from two settlements of the Pestrechinsky district was carried out using the methodology proposed by K.V. Gorlov and colleagues, as well as with the help of other scientific and methodological works. Coins of different denominations were described — from half a penny to 5 kopecks, issued under 9 different emperors (empresses) at 5 mints without marks and with marks of 4 mintsmasters, made(…)

Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Liturgical and Devotional Objects from Cilicia (Southern Turkey)

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):499-578 Ergün LAFLI, Maurizio BUORA, Alev ÇETİNGÖZ DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-14 ABSTRACT In this paper we present 95 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine liturgical and devotional objects stored in eight local museums in Cilicia in southern Turkey. This corpus provides detailed analysis of several groups of metalwork. The study aims to illuminate the religious life of Christian communities in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Cilicia. REZUMAT În această lucrare prezentăm 95 de obiecte liturgice și devoționale bizantine și post-bizantine, depozitate în opt muzee locale din Cilicia, sudul Turciei. În acest corpus sunt detaliate mai multe grupuri ale acestei metalurgii. Scopul este cel de a face lumină asupra vieții religioase a comunităților creștine din Cilicia bizantină și postbizantină. KEYWORDS Liturgical objects, devotional objects, reliquaries, crosses, Cilicia, southern Turkey, Byzantine metalworks, Byzantine archaeology.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

On the Origin of Radagaisusʼ Men: The Victohali Contra the Goths

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):477-498 Oto MESTEK DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-13 ABSTRACT This study explores the ethnic origins and identity of the Radagaisus’ army that invaded Italy in the early fifth century. Despite the fact that his people were referred to by the Romans as the Goths, their true identity remains unclear. Analysis of archaeological and historical sources suggests that Radagaisus and his men came from the northeastern part of the Great Danube Plain. Thus, they most probably were part of the Sarmatians and the Victohali tribe. The study also examines how tribal identities were shaped and redefined in the sources in the context of political and cultural changes. This case contributes to the broader discussion of barbarian tribal ethnicity and identity in Late Antiquity. REZUMAT Acest studiu explorează originile etnice și identitatea armatei lui Radagaisus, care a invadat Italia la începutul secolului al V-lea. În ciuda faptului că poporul său era numit(…)

Po[ta]toria Pottery Discovered at (L)ibida – Slava Rusă, Tulcea County

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):421-475 Alex-Marian CORNEA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-12 ABSTRACT The sample of vassa po[ta]toria presented in this article was discovered in different sectors of the archaeological site (L)Ibida – Slava Rusă, com. Slava Cercheză, jud. Tulcea, during excavations carried out between 2001-2015. Once the material was processed and selected, a sample of 91 ceramic fragments was outlined. They are chronologically classified between the 2nd-6th centuries BC. REZUMAT Eșantionul de vassa po[ta]toria prezentat în acest articol a fost descoperit în mai multe sectoare ale sitului arheologic (L)Ibida – Slava Rusă, com. Slava Cercheză, jud. Tulcea, în timpul săpăturilor efectuate între anii 2001-2015. Odată cu prelucrarea și selectarea materialului s-a conturat un eșantion format din 91 de fragmente ceramice. Acestea sunt încadrate cronologic între secolele II-VI p.Chr. KEYWORDS vassa po[ta]toria, west pontic area, (L)Ibida, Tower 10, Curtina X.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

From Sal to a “Semantic Spider’s Web” in Latin

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):411-420 Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-11 ABSTRACT This paper examines the lexeme sal and its lexical family in Latin, as attested in various written sources. The terms formed from sal have been classified in partes orationis (nomen et verbum), and their semantic spectrum (e.g., preservation, occupations, literal and figurative meanings). REZUMAT Această lucrare analizează lexemul sal și familia sa lexicală în latină, așa cum este atestată în diferite surse scrise. Termenii formați de la sal au fost împărțiți în partes orationis (nomen et verbum) și a fost analizat spectrul semantic al acestora (e.g., conservare, ocupații, sens propriu și figurat). KEYWORDS Salt, Latin language, lexical family, semantic spectrum, partes orationis.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Mounds of Fire! The Tumular Necropolis of Borșa-La Cișmele (Vlădeni, Iași County)

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):399-409 Casandra BRAȘOVEANU, Andrei ASĂNDULESEI, Radu-Alexandru BRUNCHI, Vasile COTIUGĂ DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-10 ABSTRACT North-eastern Romania benefits of a high density of tumuli, belonging to various prehistoric or historic communities. Previous endeavors of our team have identified within this workspace, with the help of LiDAR data, aerial photographs and cartographical supports, a number of 1791 of such mounds, usually placed on hilltops, forming somewhat-linear arrangements, but also exceptional situations, such as the case of the tumular necropolis of Borșa-La Cișmele, a novel discovery that does not resemble anything studied so far. The site comprises at least six mounds, out of which we have identified two groups of mounds connected by earthworks, shaping semi-circles. After the documentation stage, our team has carried out fieldwalks, with which occasion the presence of reddish coloured soil was observed. This characteristic was signaled only on the surface of the four connected mounds, suggesting(…)

About the Cucuteni A Habitation Level from the Settlement of Dâmbul Morii (Cucuteni commune, Iasi County, Romania)

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):389-397 Radu-Ștefan BALAUR DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-9 ABSTRACT The archaeological research carried out in the cucuteni A-B phase settlement of Dâmbul Morii led to the discovery of  17 dwellings . The archaeological campaigns of 1962 and 1963 raised the issue of the existence of a Cucuteni A level in this settlement.The presence of bichrome and trichrome painted ceramic fragments of the Trușești type, considered more recently as belonging to the A3 subphase, as well as others with deep incised or grooved decoration, chronologically and culturally included in the Cucuteni A2 subphase, are clear evidence of the existence of this cultural level. We do not exclude the possibility that the materials decorated with incisions and grooves, present in both pits, to be attributed to the Precucuteni III phase, which is mostly contemporary with the Cucuteni A phase, as suggested by the existing calibrated radiocarbon dates. A similar situation, where(…)

Revaluating the Sardanapalus Monument in Cilicia Greek Travelogues and Ancient Near Eastern Hedonism

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):371-386 Julian DEGEN, Sebastian FINK DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-8 ABSTRACT In my paper, I analyze the fighting styles, tendencies and military tactics of both the infantries of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Greek world as its counterpart during the 9th century BC. The structure, which this overview follows by commenting and constructing a commentary contains an introduction, during which the methods of the research are going to be conducted, including the main source of information and how the structure of the paper is going to be laid out. After that, a brief mention of the historical importance will take place. Through the form of a brief expose, I will go over why is this period and its military peculiarities seem deserving of attention. Then for the main body of the paper are the following points of interest. 1) the infantry armaments, through which both armies equipped themselves and(…)

Peculiarities and Utilitarianism in the Fighting Tendencies of the Assyrian Infantry During the 9th Century BC in an Eastern Mediterranean Context

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):361-369 Kiril TEMELKOV DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-7 ABSTRACT In my paper, I analyze the fighting styles, tendencies and military tactics of both the infantries of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Greek world as its counterpart during the 9th century BC. The structure, which this overview follows by commenting and constructing a commentary contains an introduction, during which the methods of the research are going to be conducted, including the main source of information and how the structure of the paper is going to be laid out. After that, a brief mention of the historical importance will take place. Through the form of a brief expose, I will go over why is this period and its military peculiarities seem deserving of attention. Then for the main body of the paper are the following points of interest. 1) the infantry armaments, through which both armies equipped themselves and operated; 2)(…)

Transferring Divinatory Practices: An Anatolian Intermediary Between Assyria and Greece

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):331-360 Krzysztof ULANOWSKI DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-6 ABSTRACT The art of Babylonian divination was adopted by the neighbouring cultures and absorbed. Definitive evidence for direct contact between Assyria and the Ionian is lacking in Homer. However, proceeding step by step, we have confirmed Assyrian-Hittite contacts and Hittite-Lydian contacts, and later Persian-Lydian and Lydian-Greek (Lydian-Ionian) relations. We could suppose that Mesopotamian influence reached the Greek world, and this flow continued for centuries but was subject to many regional modifications. The first independent diviners were probably the itinerant experts, many of whom were non-Greeks originating from the Near East. Interactions related to war are evident in many sources; Greek mercenaries served in the East. The presence of Greek mercenaries in the army of Nebuchadnezzar is known from a poem of Alcaeus. It appears that the Hittites borrowed the methodology from the Babylonians via of the Hurrians (and/or Luwians), as many(…)

On Pre-Śaiva Deities: From the Indus Valley Civilization to Buddhist Syncretism

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(2):299-330 Andrew SCHUMANN DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-2-5 ABSTRACT The paper delves into several layers of pre-Śaivism in India. The earliest layer traces back to ancient cults worshipping the Mother Goddess, which emerged during the Neolithic period, particularly in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (ca. 10,000–8800 B.C.). These cults flourished within the Indus Valley Civilization (its mature form 2600–1900/1800 B.C.) and other Bronze Age societies. The second layer reveals the worship of Inanna (also known as Nanāya), the goddess of fertility, who was prominent in the Mittani state (ca. 1550–1260 B.C.) alongside revered Indo-Iranian deities such as Indra, the Mitra-gods, the Varuna-gods and the Nasatya-gods. Another layer emerges with a syncretic cult among the Indo-Scythians, combining the Mazdean tradition of Οηϸο (Wēšparkar) and Βορζαοανδο Ιαζαδο (bwrz’wndy yzdty) with the Buddhist figure of Maheśvara, and Νανα (Nana) and Αρδοχϸο (Ardoxšo) with the Buddhist figure Hārītī (or Umā). In addition, Buddhism adopted syncretic(…)