
La administración subalterna en Raetia durante el Imperio Romano

This study deals with the positions and people of the subordinate administration of the province of Raetia since its creation, at the end of the 1st century BC, until the first half of the 3rd century AD. The data that we know of all of them is offered to obtain an overview of this administrative area that has often been forgotten.

Militaries from Pannonia in the imperial fleet at Misenum and Ravenna (first-third centuries AD). Prosopographical aspects

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 127-160 Ionuț Acrudoae, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, ABSTRACT The Roman Imperial Navy from the first three centuries AD played a minor part from the military perspective, but from a social point of view, it helped in the incorporation of Barbarian populations in the Empire. The Pannonians represented a considerable percentage of the soldiers recruited in the fleet of Misenum and Ravenna during the Early Empire, among the Thracians, Dalmatians, Egyptians, or Syrians. In this case, our prosopographical analysis will underline the part taken by the Pannonians in the Roman Fleet, considerations about their ethnic or provincial origins, and some outlines of social, military, and demographical study. Flota imperială romană din primele trei secole p.Chr. a jucat un rol minor pe plan militar dar, din punct de vedere social, a ajutat la integrarea populaţiilor barbare în Imperiu. Pannonii au reprezentat, pe lângă thraci, dalmaţi,(…)