Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 414-424


DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-10


Most of the inscriptions that mention soldiers with Dacian origin that served in the garrisons of the North African provinces were recruited in the first half of the 2nd century. Two of them, however, are attested in inscriptions that, despite the difficulties to restore and date the texts, most probably were set sometime at during the reign of Septimius Severus. Originating from Sarmizegetusa and Napoca, the two soldiers were contemporaries with an intense military and political activity in both Numidia and Africa Proconsularis. In this paper we try to show the historical circumstances of their military careers and, more precisely, to present the actions that the Roman army operated during those years. We would be able to better understand, in this way, what was the political and military environment in North Africa when these two soldiers were active and in what kind of events they witnessed or participated in.


Două inscripții descoperite pe teritoriul provinciei romane Numidia conțin numele militarilor Casius Aelius Iulianus, respectiv Fuscius Victorinus, ambii originari de pe teritoriul Daciei. Ambele texte epigrafice pot fi datate, în ciuda dificultăților, în timpul domniei lui Septimius Severus, ceea ce face ca cei doi să reprezinte excepții în rândul soldaților cu astfel de origini, întrucât cea mai mare parte a lor sunt active în prima jumătate a secolului al II-lea. Demersul acestui articol este concentrat pe încercarea de a determina care au fost circumstanțele în care acești soldați și-au desfășurat cariera militară și care ar fi putut fi evenimentele la care au luat parte pe parcursul anilor petrecuți ca soldați în garnizoana Numidiei romane.


Numidia, Roman army, Dacia, Septimius Severus, territorial expansion.



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