Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 19(1): 241-259

Elena Vieru, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, .img


The aim of this paper is to draw the attention to some Noua settlements for which no ash-mounds were revealed during the excavations. Though, I focus in the first place on the Basin of the Bârlad River, I will also look for parallels in the Eastern part of Romania. A small number of excavations were performed in Late Bronze Age settlements from the Bârlad Basin; in three cases, the small scale soundings revealed levels without ash-mounds. The comparison between layers with and without ash-mounds allowed some preliminary observations to be made, though further reinforcement is needed. I intend to present those particular cases and to bring into discussion some of the remarks the researchers made. Also, an objective of this approach is to establish a starting point of a discussion about Noua settlements without ash-mounds.

Articolul de faţă prezintă câteva aşezări Noua unde nu au fost descoperite cenuşare în timpul săpăturilor. Astfel, autoarea îşi concentrează analiza asupra aşezărilor din bazinul Bârladului, căutând analogii cu aşezări din estul României. Unul din obiectivele acestui demers este şi de a stabili un început al unei discuţii privind aşezările fără cenuşare aparţinând culturii Noua.



Noua culture, the Bârlad Basin, the Eastern part of Romania, settlements without ash-mounds, change in cultural aspects


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