
Camel, blockade and a historical memory perspective: a theme of historical memory portrayed at Qatar National Museum

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 26(2): 185–198 DOI: 10.47743/saa-2020-26-2-4 M. AL-HAMMADI, K. EXELL, S. EL-MENSHAWY ABSTRACT Camels from ancient times as early as 1200 BC were used as military vehicle and have been associated with the Near East and the Arabian Peninsula. In modern times they remain an important element of Bedouin life and culture (animal protein, dairy products and raw materials, an effective desert vehicle of transport and an indication of wealth). As such, camels are an integral component of heritage and society, essential to the development of Bedouin economies in many regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asian regions. Here it is investigated the viability of addressing the topic of the impact on camels by the blockade that has affected Qatar since 5th June 2017 as a theme of historical memory in the Qatari heritage in the National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ). The topic addresses the value(…)

Women and « oriental » cults in Roman Dacia

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 245-279 Juan Ramón Carbó García, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, ABSTRACT An analysis of female religious preferences in the context of the cults of eastern origin is performed on these pages because of the need for specific studies on cults preferred by each social group in the provincial life of Roman Dacia. It should be a contribution to the objective of achieving a better perspective and understanding of the followers of each cult and the general structure of the religious life in the Dacian provinces. Autorul prezintă o analiză a preferinţelor religioase ale femeilor din Dacia romană în contextul cultelor de origine orientală. Articolul se poate dovedi util în perspectiva unei mai bune înţelegeri a practicanţilor fiecărui cult în parte şi a structurii generale a vieţii religioase din provinciile dacice.   KEYWORDS women, Dacia, society, religion, oriental cults, Cybele, Isis, Azizos, Deus Aeternus FULL(…)