Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 27(2)-Supplement: 276-297


DOI: 10.47743/saa-2021-27-3-13


In the Saharna microregion (Rezina district, Republic of Moldova), four settlements and one burial
attributed to the Holercani-Hansca culture are currently known. In the settlements Saharna Mare / “Dealul
Mănăstirii” and Saharna “Rude”, a bronze hairpin of Ösennadel type and a crescent pendant with vertically
perforated shank were recently discovered. Both objects have many analogies in Transylvania as well as in Central
Europe, being dated within the period Bz D – Ha A1. Along with the finds from Saharna microregion, in the area of the
Holercani-Hansca culture, in the sites of Calfa, Holercani, Coșnița and others, other bronze artifacts are known, also
of Western origin and having the same chronological markers. Thus, the presence of these objects denotes the
connections of the communities from the Prut-Dniester area with Transylvania and Central Europe.



Prut-Dniester area, Bz D – Ha A1 period, Holercani-Hansca culture, bronze objects, imports.



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