Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23(2): 333–349



In the first part of the paper, I will briefly discuss certain peculiarities of the medical profession in antiquity. In his Philosophical History (fr. 80–84 Athanassiadi) Damascius narrates about a philosopher, named Asclepiodotus, whose interests ranged from Platonic philosophy to Aristotelian natural sciences. Asclepiodotus’ instructor in medical matters, a son of a doctor from the island of Rhodos, Iacobus, is pictured by Damascius as an exemplary figure (fr. 84), who, unlike many of his contemporaries, always tested the opinions of others and gained a reputation of an extremely successful physician, although the methods of treatment, ascribed to him by Damascius, are highly reminiscent of those presented as the Pythagorean by Iamblichus (On the Pythagorean way of life 244). In this respect both Iacobus and Asclepiodotus are conformed to the best standards of medical ethics, and pass the test set by Galen in his “On examination by which the best physicians are recognized”, except perhaps by the fact that they preferred to base their activities on such authorities as Aristotle and the Methodist Soranus rather than on a list of the “dogmatists” proposed by Galen. In the second part of the paper, dedicated to the cult of Asclepius in Late Antiquity, I will look at various kinds of evidence taken from the Neoplatonic philosophers. Having discussed first the principal philosophical interpretations of Asclepius found in Apuleius, Aelianus, Macrobius, Julian, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus, Damascius, etc., we turn to Proclus’ attitude to Athena and Asclepius as reflected in Marinus’ Vita Procli and finally discuss the cult of Eshmun as found in Damascius. The textual data are supported by archaeological evidence from the “House of Proclus” in Athens.

Prima parte a lucrării prezintă o serie de lucruri mai puțin obișnuite legate de profesia de medic în Antichitate. În Istoria filosofică, Damascius narează despre un filosof, Asclepiodotus, ale cărui interese mergeau de la filosofia platonică la științele naturii ale lui Aristotel. Iacobus, instructorul lui Asclepiodotus, este zugrăvit de Damascius ca o figură exemplară. Acesta și-a câștigat o reputație de foarte bun medic, deși metodele sale de tratament sunt reminiscențe ale celor prezentate de Iamblichus ca fiind pitagoreice. Astfel, atât Iacobus, cât și Asclepiodotus se conformează celor mai bune standarde ale eticii medicale. În a doua parte a lucrării, dedicată cultului lui Asclepius în Antichitatea târzie, autorul vorbește despre diferitele tipuri de mărturii preluate de la filosofii neoplatonici. După ce discută principalele interpretări filosofice ale lui Asclepius la Apuleius, Aelianus, Macrobius, Iulian, Porphyrius, Iamblichus, Proclus, Damascius, se revine la atitudinea către Atena și Asclepius reflectată în Vita Procli a lui Marinus.



the Aristotelian tradition, medicine in Late Antiquity, medical ethics Academy at Athens, Proclus, Damascius, Neoplatonism, classical archaeology



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