legio V Macedonica

L’origine des légionnaires de Mésie Inférieure. La Ve légion Macedonica à Troesmis

In the last decades the growing number of studies on the origin of Roman soldiers revealed new information concerning the mobility of the legions, the recruitment policy in the Roman Empire and also the role played by soldiers and veterans in the provincial society. The discovery of new sources changed the perception over the Roman army, its mobility and adaptability. In this context, this study analyzes the inscriptions of the Legio V Macedonica discovered at Troesmis in which the origin of the soldiers is clearly stated. The aims of this paper are to identify the legionaries’ origin and to highlight the main aspects of a possible recruitment pattern specific to Moesia Inferior.

Note épigraphique sur les Valerii de l’inscription ISM V, 137

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 125-126 Lucrețiu Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, ABSTRACT The author presents a prosopographical note on Valerii mentioned in the inscription ISM V, 137 from Troesmis (Moesia Inferior), which consists in a list of freed soldiers at 134 AD. Autorul prezintă o notă prosopografică a persoanelor cu gentiliciul Valerius din inscripţia ISM V, 137 de la Troesmis (Moesia Inferior), inscripţie care conţine listă a militarilor lăsaţi la vatră în anul 134 p. Chr.   KEYWORDS Troesmis, legio V Macedonica, Valerii. FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)