Roman army

La population dans le milieu rural de Capidava

The civil settlements from Capidava emerged probably next to the camp which constituted the siege of many auxiliary units. The texts attest uexillationes of the legio V Macedonica, but the camp was mainly occupied by two cohorts: I Vbiorum and I Germanorum ciuium Romanorum. Next to the cap there were the canabae and another civil settlement. I shall analyse the population coming from the civil settlements from an epigraphic point of view. I shall also discuss the origin of the population in the rural milieu of Capidava and the reasons of the newcomers’ presence in this area.

La presencia del aceite bético en Mauretania Tingitana. Nuevos métodos de análisis

Next 2019 will be ten years since the publication of the book “La economía de la Mauretania Tingitana (s. I–III d.C.). Aceite, vino y salazones” (Pons 2009). There we discuss the economy of the province, emphasizing the peculiarities of its food supply (imports and exports). Since then, both the scientific production of the province, with the inclusion of new data, as well as the progress in the different methods of analysis, allows us to approach the subject again, redefining some of its aspects. To carry out the following analyses, we have used the information collected in the CEIPAC online database in the framework of the EPNET project. At this point, the discovery of new data and, above all, the application of different methods of analysis can help us when dealing with complex tasks. In the present work we intend to address a series of questions about the meaning of the interprovincial food supply in Tingitana, a territory sufficiently prolific for its own supply.

The Roman military diploma discovered at Atmageaua Tătărască – Sarsânlar (Zafirovo, Bulgaria)

A tabella II of a Roman military diploma, copied after an imperial constitution issued in AD 54 (CIL XVI 3) is published once again in these pages. On the basis of archival information and new research on the table, kept by the National Museum of Romanian History in Bucharest, the article provides a reconstruction of the text and short histories of the mentioned military units.

L’origine des légionnaires de Mésie Inférieure. La Ve légion Macedonica à Troesmis

In the last decades the growing number of studies on the origin of Roman soldiers revealed new information concerning the mobility of the legions, the recruitment policy in the Roman Empire and also the role played by soldiers and veterans in the provincial society. The discovery of new sources changed the perception over the Roman army, its mobility and adaptability. In this context, this study analyzes the inscriptions of the Legio V Macedonica discovered at Troesmis in which the origin of the soldiers is clearly stated. The aims of this paper are to identify the legionaries’ origin and to highlight the main aspects of a possible recruitment pattern specific to Moesia Inferior.