Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 25(1): 139–161

Firas ALAWNEH, Abdelrahman ELSEROGY, Rita Sulaiman AL DAWOOD


The paper presents the physical, chemical and biological investigations, as well as a detail the process of restoration of a byzantine icon from Church of Saint Georgios in Ajloun, Jordan. Before establishing any treatment or maintenance procedures, it was necessary to obtain complete information about the components of the icon and its condition. Keeping in mind the original aesthetic aspect of the icon. In this effort an integrated analytical approach was used. In order to evaluate the icon’s components and degree of degradation, surface and bulk techniques were used. X-ray fluorescence using a Philips Minipal PW4025 spectrometer was used to identify the elemental composition of the preparation layer and background. For the chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was investigation was performed. The FTIR technique was also used to identify the media used in the application of the icon layers, as well as the type of varnish used to insulate the icon. The cleaning process is a key point in the conservation process although it is one of the most important aspects for an artwork and is considering a series of deteriorations and degradations. XRF results of the preparation layer sample revealed it consisted of Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), since it contains calcium (Ca) and Sulphate, analysis of red pigments showed that it was comprised of red-lead (Pb3O4). The overall efficiency of all conservation process including cleaning seems to be effective.

Lucrarea prezintă investigațiile fizice, chimice și biologice, precum și un detaliu al procesului de restaurare al unei icoane bizantine din biserica Sf. Gheorghe din Ajloun, Iordana. Partea procedurală a fost precedată de obținerea de informații complete despre componentele icoanei și starea acesteia, ținându-se cont de aspectul estetic original. În acest efort s-a utilizat o abordare analitică integrată. Pentru a evalua componentele pictogramei și gradul de degradare, s-au folosit tehnici de suprafață și vrac: fluorescența cu raze X, difracția cu raze X (XRD), tehnica de spectroscopie infraroșie de transformare Fourier (FTIR). Procesul de curățare este un punct cheie în procesul de conservare, deși este unul dintre aspectele cele mai importante pentru o lucrare de artă și are în vedere o serie de deteriorări și degradări. Eficacitatea generală a întregului proces de conservare, inclusiv curățarea, pare a fi eficientă.



conservation, icon, Christianity, SEM-EDX, byzantine, animal glue



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