For centuries, the role of the humanistic studies and of the classical heritage has been regarded as central and irreplaceable. Over the past decades, however, changes have occurred in various sectors, including science and education, which is why classics are facing many difficulties. This paper aims to present a new initiative which attempts to overcome the classical education crisis and capture the interest for classical Antiquity, opportunity offered by cinematic depictions.
Posts by Stefan Caliniuc:
Some thoughts on settlement patterns. Late Bronze Age habitat in the Șomuzul Mare basin
The study aims to examine the prehistoric landscape in order to identify settlement patterns and relations between contemporary sites. In the Șomuzul Mare basin, Northeastern Romania, the local topography, resources and climate compelled its prehistoric occupants to adapt for a better exploitation of resources and protection. The archaeological database includes 30 archaeological sites dated to the Late Bronze Age discovered in the study area. GIS software was employed in order to gather information about the topographic and climatic characteristics of the areas where prehistoric sites were established. Slope, solar exposure, wind shelter and density maps, as well as the distances to the closest water source were used to identify settlement patterns.
Some Roman coin finds from Southern Moldavia
We present in this paper three batches of Roman coins belonging to Roman Republican and Imperial hoards, from the collections of Museum of Vrancea in Focșani and Town Museum in Adjud. The coins were discovered in the following locations: I. Adjud (Vrancea County) (3 AR dated from C. Maianus to C. Mamilius Limetanus); II. Repedea (Străoane commune, Vrancea county) (4 AR, dated from M. Papirius Carbo to Ulpia Severina); III. Olăreni (Slobozia Bradului commune, Vrancea county) (6 AR, dated from Marcus Antonius to Marcus Aurelius and 1 AE – Constantinopolis type). In regards to the last two hoards we have serious doubts that the most recent coins actually belong to the initial findings.
Sales et Salinae : le sel a Rome. Les salines de Ciceron et la saliere d’Horace
The author analyzes the mentions of salt and similar expressions at two Latin writers: Cicero and Horace. Cicero’s perception about salt is more symbolic: salt is seen like an ingredient who gives taste to the spirit. Horace is interested more in culinary aspects.
Life expectancy and age structure of the male population in Noricum. Comparative approach
This study deals with the statistic results acquired for life expectancy of the male population in Noricum. They were compared with the data from other Danubian provinces (Pannonia Superior, Pannonia Inferior, Dacia, Moesia Superior, Moesia Inferior) and from Roman Egypt. We stopped on the age-rounding process, analysing the rapport between rounded ages and unrounded ages at the level of the entire male sample. For an insight of the male population we compared the age structure values from all the Danubian province on three age categories, in terms of numbers and percentage.
Ancient literary sources concerning fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region
This article proposes a revision of the ancient literary sources concerning the conservation of fish stocks in the Black Sea region in Greek and Roman classical antiquity. The abundance and the chronological variety of the sources indicate, on the one hand, that these economic activities have always been part of people’s lives, and on the other hand the quality of Pontic fish products, known from Britannia to Egypt . It seeks, in addition to spatial and chronological approach, the types of sources that are subject to submission, taking into account the category of recipients to whom they were addressed and the purpose for which they were written, in order to verify their typicality and credibility.
Epigraphie amphorique et prosopographie. Etiquettes, marchandises, marchands
The author tries to identify, based on epigraphic sources, and particularly on amphoric inscriptions, for Roman salted fish trade, following the same pattern as in the case of wine trade and oil trade, several families (whose members are consanguine or are placed under the authority of the same patron), implied, in one way or another, in the same type of business.
Grand infrastructural projects and preventive archaeology in Romania
The author presents a brief history of preventive archaeological research in Romania, in particular the investigations which took place on large infrastructural projects after 2000. The state of research, the problems facing the preventive archaeological research in Romania and their causes are analysed.