Posts by Stefan Caliniuc:

A Cucuteni A3 settlement at Pocreaca, Iaşi

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 19(1): 297-316 Constantin Iconomu, Iași Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy – Iași branch, ABSTRACT We present the results of the archaeological investigations carried out in the Neolithic Cucuteni A3 settlement from Pocreaca–Cetăţuia site, Schitu Duca commune, Iaşi county. The excavations unearthed a house platform of fired clay, alongside flint and polished stone tools, tri-chromatic painted and unpainted pottery, and anthropomorphic and zoomorphic idols. Sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice din așezarea neolitică Cucuteni A 3 de la Pocreaca, punctul „Cetățuia”, comuna Schitu Duca, județul Iași. În cursul săpăturilor a fost descoperită o platformă de locuință din lut ars, unelete de silex și piatră șlefuită, ceramică pictată tricromă și nepictată, idoli antropomorfi și zoomorfi. FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Oswald Spengler und der Streitwagen: ein Plädoyer für Universalgeschichte

Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) was one of the most influential philosophers of history between WW I and WW II. His book “The Decline of the West” (1918) made him famous. In this book Spengler attested that the phase of the West as a productive culture is over and that the phase of civilization has started. In the years after the publication of his main work Spengler started to get more and more interested in Ancient History in its broadest sense. He argued against a Eurocentric view of history and suggested to reconsider our common understanding of history and its epochs. In the last part of the paper I try to show how Spengler conceptualized his universal history by the example of a lecture given by him on the war chariot and its influence on world history..

Some Noua settlements without ash-mounds from the Eastern part of Romania (with emphasis on the region of the Bârlad basin)

The aim of this paper is to draw the attention to some Noua settlements for which no ash-mounds were revealed during the excavations. Though, I focus in the first place on the Basin of the Bârlad River, I will also look for parallels in the Eastern part of Romania. A small number of excavations were performed in Late Bronze Age settlements from the Bârlad Basin; in three cases, the small scale soundings revealed levels without ash-mounds. The comparison between layers with and without ash-mounds allowed some preliminary observations to be made, though further reinforcement is needed. I intend to present those particular cases and to bring into discussion some of the remarks the researchers made. Also, an objective of this approach is to establish a starting point of a discussion about Noua settlements without ash-mounds.

Preliminary notes concerning Middle Bronze Ages pottery analysis from Costişa-Cetățuia, Neamț County

The Costișa archaeological culture has been known for more than half a century and it has been categorized as belonging to the Middle Bronze Age in the Eastern Carpathian area. From the very beginning it was supposed to be the result of local connections with southern Monteoru-type elements and northern ones such as Komariw-Bialy-Potik. This assessment was made on the basis of a comparative analysis of the known archaeological investigation methods (stratigraphy and pottery typology). The present contribution employs another type of analysis of the pottery from the eponymous site. Thus, starting from the archaeological database consisting of seven pottery shards, the following scientific investigations were performed: SEM-EDS analysis, optical spectroscopy, and chemical modules analysis. The aim was to cover all the steps followed during modern pottery investigation, from the archaeological description of the artefacts and the initial macroscopic evaluation, to the integration by the archaeologist of the data obtained from the other types of analysis. The results of these analyses could provide multiple coherent answers regarding the history of a site, the ceramic technology, the relations between the local community and the Monteoru ones.

Greeks, Phoenicians and the alphabet

The invention of the alphabet is still a problem for the contemporary historiography, archaeology and linguistics. This study emphasizes some of the most important aspects of this process. After a critical review of the most important theories, the author takes into consideration the issue of the author and the reason of inventing the vowels. The latter is presented here as a linguistic necessity.

Aspects concernant l’organisation des associations professionnelles dans l’Egypte hellénistique et romain. Règlements statutaires

In this paper we set out to analyze the internal organization of professional associations based on statutory provisions. These statutes include information about how an association was founded, the terms on which different people could be admitted or could leave the group, the duties of the president, the identity of the members of the associations, the regulations regarding the conduct of the members, the mutual assistance given to members in difficulty, the payment of contributions to the functioning of the association, the joint payment of the fees for the right to exercise one’s profession, attending meetings and banquets, as well as the coercive measures imposed on those who break the rules agreed on by statute. The analysis of associative structures based on statutory provisions proves that, in Egypt, these bodies functioned in the same manner even before the Greek and Roman rule.

North Italic settlers along the “Amber Route”

During the late Republic and the early Principate, the area under the direct control of Rome expanded considerably beyond the Alps, including a large portion of the north-werstern Danube basin. The situation offered the Aquileian trading families new opportunities to extend their sphere of activity. In this period, Italic merchants, most of them coming from Aquileian families, settled in the Roman centres along the “Amber Route”, establishing trade relationships with their hometown. The study of epigraphic evidence provides relevant elements in order to define the economic role of these families.