Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 213-244 Raluca Dragostin, University of Bucharest, ABSTRACT The author analysis not only the Italian names in Roman Dacia, but also the manner in which their bearers have come in this province. She has distinguished four categories of such gentilicia, taking into account the historical circumstances which allowed the penetration of Italic gentilicia in this province: – gentilicia directly related to colonization in the time of founding of the province Dacia; – gentilicia related to interprovincial immigration; – gentilicia adopted by the population of Dacia by juridical reasons; – gentilicia brought by soldiers and officials of Roman administration in Dacia. Like in case of imperial gentilicia, the onomastic study of Italic gentilicia does not allow an comparative approach (the proportion between the native population and the immigrants). Even that for a considerable number of Italic gentilicia bearers, we cannot state from where and how they came(…)
Posts by Stefan Caliniuc:
Women and « oriental » cults in Roman Dacia
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 245-279 Juan Ramón Carbó García, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, ABSTRACT An analysis of female religious preferences in the context of the cults of eastern origin is performed on these pages because of the need for specific studies on cults preferred by each social group in the provincial life of Roman Dacia. It should be a contribution to the objective of achieving a better perspective and understanding of the followers of each cult and the general structure of the religious life in the Dacian provinces. Autorul prezintă o analiză a preferinţelor religioase ale femeilor din Dacia romană în contextul cultelor de origine orientală. Articolul se poate dovedi util în perspectiva unei mai bune înţelegeri a practicanţilor fiecărui cult în parte şi a structurii generale a vieţii religioase din provinciile dacice. KEYWORDS women, Dacia, society, religion, oriental cults, Cybele, Isis, Azizos, Deus Aeternus FULL(…)
Qualche considerazione sugli oggetti di lusso ad Apulum. A proposito di una recente mostra e del suo catalogo
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 281-300 Maurizio Buora, Società Friulana di Archeologia, ABSTRACT The author realizes a critical discussion on a recent exhibition catalogue about luxury objects at Apulum. Autorul analizează critic un recent catalog de expoziţie despre obiectele de lux de la Apulum. KEYWORDS Roman luxury objects, Roman Dacia, Apulum FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)
Truth or eloquence in the works of Latin Christian writers of 2nd-3rd centuries?
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 301-317 Tincuța Cloșcă, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, ABSTRACT To the bloody persecutions applied by the Roman Empire to the Christians were added to the attacks the Christians had to take from the representatives of the contemporary culture and especially from the sophist oratory. This cultural offensive led to a new issue, that is, the way in which the religious truths (acquired by reading, studying and understanding the Bible) were supposed to be revealed. Therefore, the Christian writers tried to state some ”theories and paradigms”, regarding the way the truths of faith should be revealed to an audience, educated not only according to the standards and the norms of the Greek education, but also in a corrupt way, according to the speeches of profan orators. This is why, we intend to emphasize the attitude of the Latin Fathers of the Church from the 2nd(…)
Notes on the “African Red Slip Ware” ceramics in Scythia Minor
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 319-340 Marian Mocanu, Institute of Eco-Museal Researches, Tulcea, ABSTRACT In the following, we shall focus on the tableware ceramic produced in the workshops located within the contemporary Tunisia and which was traded up to Danube. This article aims to show the results of archaeological research undertaken in the last decades in the Roman sites from Dobrogea, Romania. In our work to make the inventory of the forms of the “African Red Slip Ware” tableware, discovered in Scythia Minor, we identified 20 forms, some of which, especially those from the 5th and the 6th century, were found in many variants. The earliest one is the Hayes form 27 from the second half of the 2nd century, and the latest one is the Hayes form 105, dated in the first half of the 7th century. Following the discoveries of tableware imported from the North Africa to Scythia(…)
Amm. Marcell. 15.5.23: una nuova ipotesi sul significato di un frammento attribuito all’Hortensius di Cicerone
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 341-349 Constantin-Ionuț Mihai, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, ABSTRACT The excerpt from Ammianus Marcellinus, Res gestae 15.5.23, where the Roman historian reproduces one of Cicero’s sayings, without mentioning its reference, was considered by Alberto Grilli to belong to the dialogue Hortensius. Though the Italian philologist had identified in this excerpt a series of motives common to other fragments from this dialogue (as for example the varietas fortunae or the critical analysis of the false goods which are not in our power), his interpretation remained a singular one. Until now no other scholar had supported Grilli’s interpretation. The quarrel of interpretations regarding this passage will be the starting point of this article in which I will try to advance a new reading of the excerpt from Res gestae 15.5.23 (= Hort. fr. 63 Grilli). The new reading will be done from the perspective of the(…)
Archaeology, architecture and the use of the Romanità in fascist Italy
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 351-375 Cristian Olariu, University of Bucharest, ABSTRACT After Mussolini has become the leader of Italy, Romanità increasingly starts to invade fascist propaganda. Romanità helped the promotion of imperial policies of the regime and in fact meant that the „spirit of the ancient Romans” was reborn in modern Italians. The Mostra Archeologica of 1911 played an important role in the promotion of ancient Rome and it’s values among the modern Italians. The Fascists used even further the concept of Romanità. By reshaping Rome and promotion through exhibitions of Augustus they tried to connect themselves with the founder of the Roman Empire. The glorious traditions of imperial Rome were reused to give legitimacy to a dictator who, increasingly, considered himself the incarnation of Augustus, but ultimately failed. Autorul prezintă modul în care propaganda mussoliniană a utilizat simbolurile şi valorile vechii Rome, prin promovarea conceptului de Romanità, pentru(…)
La legislazione su restauro e ricostruzione del patrimonio edilizio pubblico. Appunti per una ricerca
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 377-388 Daniele Vittorio Piacente, Università di Bari Aldo Moro, ABSTRACT The concept of restoration of a property to us moderns seems clear enough, but in ancient times was often confused with that of reconstruction. During the long period of decline first and then the dissolution of the Roman Empire, even the public buildings were in a state of serious decline and were therefore in need of significant and expensive restoration work. The Theodosian Code governs the legislation on public works in a specific way, where maintenance and restoration are preferred for reconstruction. Il concetto di restauro di un immobile per noi moderni appare sufficientemente chiaro, mentre nell’antichità veniva sovente confuso con quello di ricostruzione. Durante la lunga fase prima di declino e poi di dissoluzione dell’impero romano, anche gli immobili pubblici versavano in una situazione di grave decadenza ed erano perciò bisognosi di rilevanti e(…)