Mihaela DANU, George BODI113
Archaeological palynology in Romania ― a review of its past and current state
Florica MĂȚĂU, Valentin NICA, Ana-Lavinia MATRICALĂ, Alexandru STANCU123
Technological characteristics of the Cucuteni C pottery from Poduri–Dealul Ghindaru -
Ciprian-Cătălin LAZANU147
Les découvertes des armes en bronze de la fin de l’âge du bronze sur le plateau de Bârlad -
Neculai BOLOHAN, Mitică CIORPAC, Florica MĂȚĂU, Dragoș Lucian GORGAN157
Ancestral DNA ― an incontestable source of data for Archaeology -
Nadezhda S. SHIROKOVA189
The art of the British Celts. A critical review -
Patrick REINARD209
Gaias Rechtsstreit und Caracallas Alexandria-Aufenthalt.
Zum Kontext des Privatbriefs P.Oxy. 43/3094 -
Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ221
Terminology of salt in Ancient Greek -
Daniele Vittorio PIACENTE235
Dall’“Epiclassico” di Franz Wieacker al’“Esplosione di Tardoantico” di Andrea Giardina -
Florentina-Cristina GÎLCĂ243
“Classicism for all”: another way of disseminating antiquity ― the artistic movie