Valentin-Codrin CHIRICA, George BODI, Vasile CHIRICA 5
Le phénomème funéraire dans le Paléolithique de l’Europe.
La spiritualité de la déposition d’offrandes dans les tombeaux -
Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK, Alexandra COMŞA 81
The East-West alignment in Neolithic on the South-Eastern Romania -
Elena VIERU 93
Coping with the landscape: subsistence strategies of Late Bronze Age communities
within the Bârlad basin, Eastern Romania -
Julia M. CHYLA 115
Digitalizing paper documentation-on the example of an early Celtic settlement
Altdorf „Am Friedhof” in Germany, in the program Arcview -
Note épigraphique sur les Valerii de l’inscription ISM V, 137
Ionuţ ACRUDOAE 127
Militaries from Pannonia in the imperial fleet at Misenum and Ravenna
(first-third centuries AD). Prosopographical aspects -
Menahem MOR 161
Are there any new factors concerning the Bar-Kokhba revolt? -
Rada VARGA 195
Particular commemoration habits of the middle class from Roman Dacia -
Raluca DRAGOSTIN 213
Les gentilices italiques en Dacie romaine -
Juan Ramón CARBÓ GARCÍA 245
Women and « oriental » cults in Roman Dacia -
Maurizio BUORA 281
Qualche considerazione sugli oggetti di lusso ad Apulum.
A proposito di una recente mostra e del suo catalogo -
Tincuţa CLOŞCĂ 301
Truth or eloquence in the works of Latin Christian writers of 2nd-3rd centuries? -
Marian MOCANU 319
Notes on the “African Red Slip Ware” ceramics in Scythia Minor -
Constantin-Ionuţ MIHAI 341
Amm. Marcell. 15.5.23: una nuova ipotesi sul significato di un frammento
attribuito all’Hortensius di Cicerone -
Cristian OLARIU 351
Archaeology, architecture and the use of the Romanità in fascist Italy -
Daniele Vittorio PIACENTE 377
La legislazione su restauro e ricostruzione del patrimonio edilizio pubblico.
Appunti per una ricerca
Nicolae URSULESCU 389
Rodolfo Striccoli - Comptes-rendus 395
- Abreviations 403