Female Beliefs in Roman Hispania
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30(1): 155-165 María-Pilar MOLINA-TORRES DOI: 10.47743/saa-2024-30-1-8 ABSTRACT In addition to Greco-Roman literary sources and archaeological evidence, inscriptions are the only means of reconstructing the information of certain population groups that were interested in expressing their religious ideas and honourable positions through epigraphy, which was often shaped by very specific local circumstances. The epigraphy of Roman Hispania not only provides valuable information about the daily life, social organization and religious beliefs of the population, but also reflects the adaptation and integration of local communities into the vast Roman Empire. This work provides an overview of women’s beliefs in Hispania through the pedestals and votive altars dedicated by female devotees and priestesses (local and provincial), sometimes linked to the imperial cult, who made offerings to a divinity. REZUMAT Pe lângă sursele literare greco-romane și dovezile arheologice, inscripțiile sunt singurul mijloc de reconstituire a informațiilor anumitor grupuri de populație(…)