Posts by Stefan Caliniuc:

Analysis of the Elemental Composition of Four Bronze Sickles Dated at the Late Bronze Age

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(2): 221-233 Ciprian-Cătălin LAZANU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-2-3 ABSTRACT The present study presents the analysis of the elemental composition of four bronze sickles, three with hooked handle and one with holes on the handle, two from the deposit at Valea lui Darie, Vaslui county, one from the bronze deposit at Ciorani, and one discovered in a dwelling from the settlement belonging to the Noua culture from Dodești, following systematic archaeological research. The sickles from the Valea lui Darie deposit belong to the Ghermănești type, the Ghermănești variant, the Ciorani sickle to the Ilișești variant of the Ghermănești type, and the Dodești sickle to the Heleșteni type. These types of sickles are characteristic for the Late Bronze Age east of the Carpathians, being chronologically placed between XII – X BC. The elemental composition of the four pieces was identified by employing non-invasive analysis with a mobile spectrometer, Thermo Niton(…)

Clay Objects from the Chalcholithic Settlement of Cucuteni -Dâmbul Morii (Iasi County, Romania)

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(2): 207-219 Radu-Ștefan BALAUR DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-2-2 ABSTRACT The archaeological research carried out at Dâmbul Morii settlement led to the discovery of 15 dwellings. In their inventory, 30 pieces identified were made of clay. All artifacts that were not plastic representations were included in this category. In this study, we want to make a presentation of these artifacts, and the context of the discovery, to give us a picture of their functionality. Unfortunately, this task is hampered by the low number and fragmented state of the pieces. The artefacts discovered at Dambul Morii can be classified in the category of household items (clay weights, spindle whorls, clay balls, clay tokens), as well as ornament items (beads, clay disc, en violon idol, amulets, etc.). Some of them can also be used in some ritual activities, such as amulets, or clay balls, or for other purposes. REZUMAT Cercetările arheologice(…)

Symbol or Utilitarian? Perspectives on the Function of Two Unusual Artefacts from the Chalcolithic Settlement Isaiia-Balta Popii

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(2): 189-206 Alina PATRICHE, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-2-1 ABSTRACT The article brings to the attention of both specialists and the general public two clay artifacts, quasi-conical, provided with holes and perforations, discovered in the Precucuteni II-III settlement at Isaiia-Balta Popii, Iasi County. Although objects with similar characteristics are rather rare, the authors have managed to find a few nearly exact analogies. This is all the more surprising as the analogies come from various Neolithic and Eneolithic cultural contexts in Central and Southeastern Europe, giving this object an archetypal character. Establishing its functionality, however, proved to be much more challenging, leading many archaeologists who discovered or approached similar artifacts to easily place them in the somewhat ambiguous sphere of symbolism and cult. Although this interpretation cannot be categorically ruled out, there are arguments supporting a surprising utilitarian functionality, albeit situated, in a sense, within the realm of(…)

Themes and Motifs in the Letters of Aldelmo of Malmesbury. The Man, The Literature, The Society

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 179-185 Patrizia MASCOLI DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-10 ABSTRACT Among the epistolary collections that have come down to us, the epistolary of Aldelmo of Malmesbury, of which the first Italian translation is in progress, is of interest. This paper deals with some key themes which occur in the letters of this bishop, related to society and human behavior. REZUMAT Printre colecțiile epistolare păstrate, cea aparținând lui Aldelmus din malmesbury prezintă un inters aparte. În acest articol autorea tratează câteba thme-cheie din scrisorile acestui episcop, legate de societate și de caracterul uman. KEYWORDS Aldelmo of Malmesbury, epistles, Anglo-Saxons, solidarity.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Peculiarities of the Funeral Treatment Applied to Children in the Province of Scythia Minor

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 153-177 Laura GHEORGHIU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-9 ABSTRACT The article represents a contribution to the funerary archeology of the province of Scythia, outlining the picture related to the funerary practices addressed to children. It is emphasized that the burial rituals, most of the time, were different from those applied to adults in terms of the space within the necropolises, the position, the orientation, or the burial inventory. REZUMAT Articolul reprezintă o contribuție asupra arheologiei funerare din provincia Scythia, conturând imaginea legată de practicile funerare abordate asupra copiilor. Se subliniază faptul că ritualurile funerare, de cele mai multe ori, erau diferite față de cele aplicate adulților în ceea ce privește spațiul în cadrul necropolelor, poziția, orientarea sau inventarul funerar. KEYWORDS Infant burials, Scythia Minor, funerary archaeology.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

“People in Dark Times”: Damaskius on Political Persecution and the Philosophical Way of Life

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 141-152 Eugene AFONASIN DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-8 ABSTRACT The Neoplatonic philosophers developed a complicated and quite ingenious concept of the grades of virtue, starting with such common human virtues, as the natural, ethical and political, and finishing which those attainable only by the real seekers of the highest truth, such as the purificatory, contemplative, paradigmatic, and hieratic. In the paper I trace the evolution of the Neoplatonic grades of virtue by means of the select passages from Damascius’ “Philosophical History,” which deal specifically with the character of Damascius’ revered teacher. The life of Isidore is presented by his student as an ascent along the path of Neoplatonic perfection, moreover, by chance or not, but in the surviving fragments of this work, which tells about many remarkable philosophers and theurgists, it is Isidore who ultimately attains the last seventh degree of virtue. Possessing outstanding personal qualities and even(…)

A Greek graffito Discovered in the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov Settlement from Negrilești, Galați County

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 105-121 Ana HONCU, Paul CIUBOTARU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-7 ABSTRACT . The paper publishes a Greek graffito on a Zeest 80 amphora, found in Negrilești, in the settlement of Sântana de Mureș- Chernyakhov culture. The words ΝΑΥΚΛΕΡ(…) ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ inscribed on the upper part of the amphora can be associated with primary content the transport process –loading the container on the ship at the place of origin of the content. The characteristics of the amphora and the inscription are connected with the oil supply in the province of Scythia. The information highlights the trade connections of the settlements from the Lower Danube with the eastern provinces of Roman Empire at the end of the 3rd century, the beginning of the 4th century AD. REZUMAT Articolul propune restituirea unui graffito în limba greacă de pe o amforă Zeest 80, descoperită la Negrilești, în așezarea Sântana de Mureș- Cerneahov. Cele(…)

The Cult of Azizos in Roman Dacia: New Approaches

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 105-121 Juan Ramón CARBÓ GARCÍA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-6 ABSTRACT The spread of the cult of the divinity of Syrian-Arabic origin Azizos from the East to the Danubian provinces and Rome has traditionally been related to its importance in the Syrian city of Edessa and to different Roman military campaigns against the Parthians and the Sassanid Persians in that same area, in the second and third centuries A.D. Through the analysis of the epigraphic repertoire of this divinity in Dacia, as well as with the study of certain monetary emissions of the time of Emperor Elagabalus and with the revision of the ancient literary texts, we present certain results, which can open new perspectives of study. The importance of Edessa as the origin of the spread of the cult of Azizos in Dacia can be generally confirmed, in the cases of some inscriptions of precise dating and(…)