- Policarp HORTOLÀ
The Underlying Emotional Background of Quaternary Palaeontology:
Nostalgia and Ubi Sunt in a Postdictive Science
139–147 - Astrid VICAS
Mining Data on the Spread of Early Metallurgy:
Revisiting the Carpathian Hypothesis with Ancient Genomes149–168 - Radu-Ștefan BALAUR
The Cucuteni A-B Settlement of Băiceni–Dâmbul Morii. History of Research169–183 - M. AL-HAMMADI, K. EXELL, S. EL-MENSHAWY
Camel, blockade and a Historical Memory Perspective:
a Theme of Historical Memory Portrayed at Qatar National Museum185–198 - Maxim M. KHOLOD
On the Ionian League in the Fourth Century BC 199199–211 - Arina BRAGOVA
Cicero on Odium213–229 - Pablo OZCÁRIZ GIL, Jordi PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, Javier HEREDERO BERZOSA
The logistics of marking in the Baetic Amphoras.
The use of numerals in the organizational systems of ceramic productions231–247 - Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA
Les inscriptions concernant les soldats originaires de la Mésie Inférieure
dont l’origine rurale est certe: les ailes et les cohorts249–259 - Olga A. ZOLOTNIKOVA
The Festival of Hermes Kriophoros in Tanagra (Boeotia):
an anthropological interpretation261–286 - Ștefan HONCU, Aurel-Daniel STĂNICĂ
An Oinophora type vessel discovered at the Noviodunum necropolis287–294 - Pedro David CONESA NAVARRO
La presencia de Julia Mamaea en el gobierno de Alejandro Severo.
Un repaso a través de los testimonios epigráficos295–323 - Marian MOCANU
Late Roman tableware from Argamum ‒ “faleză est” sector. Phocaean ware325–311 - Evgeny SUKHANOV
A new approach to the periodization of polished ceramics of the Saltovo-Mayaki culture343–370 - Adrian-Bogdan CEOBANU
Contributions to the biography of a forgotten translator
of Herodotus’ The Histories: Dimitrie I. Ghica371–384