Aspetti della politica culturale di Costantino

The new institutional rule wanted by the Emperor Constantine called a direct intervention in public education. With the establishment of the new capital, Constantinople, there are schools and universities, as well as a public library, poles of attraction of the ducts of the time looking for sinecures and honors from the Emperor. Constantine in fact reward with important exemptions from munera professors and doctors, together with their closest relatives, in order to facilitate their professional duties.

Le phénomème funéraire dans le Paléolithique de l’Europe. La spiritualité de la déposition d’offrandes dans les tombeaux

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 5-80 Valentin-Codrin Chirica, Iași Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy – Iași branch, George Bodi, Iași Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy – Iași branch,  Vasile Chirica, Iași Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy – Iași branch,  ABSTRACT We can notice that the idea that we are trying to assign to prehistoric man, that is the sacredness condition, which represents a specific feature and is manifested by voluntary deeds and actions, such as the artistic creation and the funeral phenomenon, was a specific feature of the social life of prehistoric communities. Regarding the so various burial practices, understood as representative for the will of the community members, the social relations between them, a certain state of religiosity and continuity in the prehistoric environments, we try to differentiate between ritual space and sacred space; ritual space cannot be permanently equated, especially for the localizations of its manifestations, to the(…)

The East-West alignment in Neolithic on the South-Eastern Romania

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 81-91 Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Astronomical Observatory, Cluj-Napoca,  Alexandra Comșa, “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest, ABSTRACT Alignment is a static orientation of some objects, or set of objects, in relation to others. In archaeoastronomy we can separate stone alignments (stone rows) and alignments connected with orientation (e.g. graves, or skeletons orientation). The object of our research is to emphasize the importance of orientation in the Neolithic time, which we can determine by using a magnetic compass. Our collected data led us to conclude that solar observation was the determinant of orientation. More particularly, the rising of the sun above the horizon and possibly, though less frequently, the setting sun, provided the alignment. It was possible to show a close correlation with sunrise, or sunset at feast days, that is, the day on which the venerated God was celebrated, at Easter and on true east, determined by(…)

Coping with the landscape: subsistence strategies of Late Bronze Age communities within the Bârlad basin, Eastern Romania

The article is a sequence of a wider research concerning Late Bronze Age habitat in the basin of the Bârlad river (Eastern part of Romania). Though there are known few similar papers, the novelty of this one is given by the detailed analysis, whose main result is obtaining a wider perspective on a less studied region. The starting point is the database that recorded the Noua culture’s sites from the specified region. From the purpuses of this article, I emphasise the identification of strategies used by Late Bronze Age communities to adapt to the peculiarities of the studied region.

Digitalizing paper documentation — on the example of an early Celtic settlement Altdorf „Am Friedhof” in Germany, in the program Arcview

Changing paper documentation into digital one, guarantees easy access and transmission of information about archaeological sites and helps in creating new, more accurate data, which was not possible previously . An Archaeological Information System (abbreviation AIS) created from the digitized paper documentation should be easy put to use, enables quick and effective management of previously collected materials, and should allow the comparison of analysis, description of features and inventory of artifacts . Digitalization should also permit the visualization of the results in an understandable and interesting way. The documentation presented here comes from site Altdorf „Am Friedhof” in Germany and was made in traditional way. During excavation archaeologist discovered an early Celtic settlement, along with numerous deposits of daub, bone and pottery . All finds were documented in three dimensions, which allowed the use of GIS during interpretation of the results. This paper presents, point by point, the steps of computing a paper documentation to a digital one, and then creating an Archaeological Information System of the archaeological site.

Note épigraphique sur les Valerii de l’inscription ISM V, 137

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 125-126 Lucrețiu Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, ABSTRACT The author presents a prosopographical note on Valerii mentioned in the inscription ISM V, 137 from Troesmis (Moesia Inferior), which consists in a list of freed soldiers at 134 AD. Autorul prezintă o notă prosopografică a persoanelor cu gentiliciul Valerius din inscripţia ISM V, 137 de la Troesmis (Moesia Inferior), inscripţie care conţine listă a militarilor lăsaţi la vatră în anul 134 p. Chr.   KEYWORDS Troesmis, legio V Macedonica, Valerii. FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Militaries from Pannonia in the imperial fleet at Misenum and Ravenna (first-third centuries AD). Prosopographical aspects

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 127-160 Ionuț Acrudoae, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, ABSTRACT The Roman Imperial Navy from the first three centuries AD played a minor part from the military perspective, but from a social point of view, it helped in the incorporation of Barbarian populations in the Empire. The Pannonians represented a considerable percentage of the soldiers recruited in the fleet of Misenum and Ravenna during the Early Empire, among the Thracians, Dalmatians, Egyptians, or Syrians. In this case, our prosopographical analysis will underline the part taken by the Pannonians in the Roman Fleet, considerations about their ethnic or provincial origins, and some outlines of social, military, and demographical study. Flota imperială romană din primele trei secole p.Chr. a jucat un rol minor pe plan militar dar, din punct de vedere social, a ajutat la integrarea populaţiilor barbare în Imperiu. Pannonii au reprezentat, pe lângă thraci, dalmaţi,(…)

Are there any new factors concerning the Bar-Kokhba revolt?

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 161-193 Menahem Mor, University of Haifa, ABSTRACT The author focuses his research on four main subjects concerning the Bar-Kokhba revolt: (1) Hadrian’s promise to rebuild the Temple, (2) the ban on circumcision, (3) the Foundation of Aelia Capitolina and (4) Bar Kokhba’s leadership. Autorul îşi concentrează analiza asupra a 4 puncte importante privind revolta lui Bar-Kokhba: (1) promisiunea lui Hadrian de a reconstrui templul din Ierusalim, (2) interzicerea circumciziei, (3) întemeierea Aeliei Capitolina, (4)conducerea lui Bar Kokhba.   KEYWORDS Bar-Kokhba revolt, ban of circumcision, foundation of Aelia Capitolina. FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Particular commemoration habits of the middle class from Roman Dacia

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 195-211 Rada Varga, Centre for Roman Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ABSTRACT The current research focuses on a very specific class of funerary monuments from province Dacia: those in which absolutely no professional, social or status mentioning existed for neither deceased nor commemorator. The characters thus registered mainly represent part of what we would define as the economical and social middle class of the provincial society. Without being totally out of borders, their epigraphic behaviour is slightly different from that of other groups, classes or categories registered so far, underlining once again the necessity of a flexible and manifold approach when studying the layers of Roman society. L’objet de la présente étude est constitué par une catégorie particulière des monuments funéraires de la province romaine de la Dacie: ceux qui ne mentionnent aucun détail professionnel, social ou de statut concernant le défunt ou les personnes s’étant(…)

Les gentilices italiques en Dacie romaine

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 213-244 Raluca Dragostin, University of Bucharest, ABSTRACT The author analysis not only the Italian names in Roman Dacia, but also the manner in which their bearers have come in this province. She has distinguished four categories of such gentilicia, taking into account the historical circumstances which allowed the penetration of Italic gentilicia in this province: – gentilicia directly related to colonization in the time of founding of the province Dacia; – gentilicia related to interprovincial immigration; – gentilicia adopted by the population of Dacia by juridical reasons; – gentilicia brought by soldiers and officials of Roman administration in Dacia. Like in case of imperial gentilicia, the onomastic study of Italic gentilicia does not allow an comparative approach (the proportion between the native population and the immigrants). Even that for a considerable number of Italic gentilicia bearers, we cannot state from where and how they came(…)

Women and « oriental » cults in Roman Dacia

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 245-279 Juan Ramón Carbó García, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, ABSTRACT An analysis of female religious preferences in the context of the cults of eastern origin is performed on these pages because of the need for specific studies on cults preferred by each social group in the provincial life of Roman Dacia. It should be a contribution to the objective of achieving a better perspective and understanding of the followers of each cult and the general structure of the religious life in the Dacian provinces. Autorul prezintă o analiză a preferinţelor religioase ale femeilor din Dacia romană în contextul cultelor de origine orientală. Articolul se poate dovedi util în perspectiva unei mai bune înţelegeri a practicanţilor fiecărui cult în parte şi a structurii generale a vieţii religioase din provinciile dacice.   KEYWORDS women, Dacia, society, religion, oriental cults, Cybele, Isis, Azizos, Deus Aeternus FULL(…)