Archaeology, architecture and the use of the Romanità in fascist Italy

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 351-375 Cristian Olariu, University of Bucharest, ABSTRACT After Mussolini has become the leader of Italy, Romanità increasingly starts to invade fascist propaganda. Romanità helped the promotion of imperial policies of the regime and in fact meant that the „spirit of the ancient Romans” was reborn in modern Italians. The Mostra Archeologica of 1911 played an important role in the promotion of ancient Rome and it’s values among the modern Italians. The Fascists used even further the concept of Romanità. By reshaping Rome and promotion through exhibitions of Augustus they tried to connect themselves with the founder of the Roman Empire. The glorious traditions of imperial Rome were reused to give legitimacy to a dictator who, increasingly, considered himself the incarnation of Augustus, but ultimately failed. Autorul prezintă modul în care propaganda mussoliniană a utilizat simbolurile şi valorile vechii Rome, prin promovarea conceptului de Romanità, pentru(…)

La legislazione su restauro e ricostruzione del patrimonio edilizio pubblico. Appunti per una ricerca

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 18(1): 377-388 Daniele Vittorio Piacente, Università di Bari Aldo Moro, ABSTRACT The concept of restoration of a property to us moderns seems clear enough, but in ancient times was often confused with that of reconstruction. During the long period of decline first and then the dissolution of the Roman Empire, even the public buildings were in a state of serious decline and were therefore in need of significant and expensive restoration work. The Theodosian Code governs the legislation on public works in a specific way, where maintenance and restoration are preferred for reconstruction. Il concetto di restauro di un immobile per noi moderni appare sufficientemente chiaro, mentre nell’antichità veniva sovente confuso con quello di ricostruzione. Durante la lunga fase prima di declino e poi di dissoluzione dell’impero romano, anche gli immobili pubblici versavano in una situazione di grave decadenza ed erano perciò bisognosi di rilevanti e(…)