Posts by Stefan Caliniuc:

Public Archaeology in Romania: a Review.

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 440-452 Radu-Alexandru BRUNCHI DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-12 ABSTRACT The present paper aims to highlight the Public Archaeology endeavors that were conducted in Romania. Although, at the first glance we cannot identify many papers or platforms that promote Public Archaeology, we will focus our attention towards the archaeological research that was conducted by the public or by the specialists, but with the help of the community.  The typology elaborated by Moshenska & Bonacchi in 2015 represents the backbone on which our study will be built upon, as it provides a clear distinction between all the categories that the vast domain of Public Archaeology reaches. REZUMAT Lucrarea își propune să evidențieze stadiul actual al Arheologiei Publice în România. Deși, la prima vedere, nu putem identifica multe lucrări sau platforme care să promoveze Arheologia Publică, ne vom concentra atenția asupra cercetărilor arheologice care au fost efectuate de către public sau(…)

Funerary rite and ritual in the province of Scythia Minor. General characteristics.

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 426-439 Laura GHEORGHIU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-11 ABSTRACT The author makes an analysis of the funerary archeology in the province of Scythia Minor, in terms of the typology of the tombs, the position and orientation of the skeletons and the funerary inventory. In order to extract some general characteristics related to the funeral rite and ritual, was compiled a database that includes 1357 tombs from 19 necropolises. REZUMAT Autoarea face o analiză asupra arheologiei funerare din provincia Scythia Minor din punct de vedere al tipologiei mormintelor, poziției și orientării scheletelor și al inventarului funerar. Pentru extragerea unor caracacteristici generale legate de rit și ritual funerar a fost alcătuită o bază de date care cuprinde 1357 de morminte provenite din 19 necropole. KEYWORDS funerary archaeology, tombs, funerary rites, Scythia Minor.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Poissonniers et Marchands de Poisson Salé dans l’Antiquité Classique

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 398-412 Iulia DUMITRACHE DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-9 Résumé L’ouvrage est une revue des sources littéraires, épigraphiques et papyrologiques qui mentionnent des personnages impliqués, d’une manière ou d’une autre, dans les activités liées à la transformation et à la distribution du poisson salé dans l’Antiquité classique. Si les sources littéraires proviennent majoritairement du milieu hellénophone et présentent notamment la manière dont ces activités ont été reçues dans l’esprit collectif, les autres sont des témoignages du mode de représentation de ces individus, seuls ou au sein d’associations professionnelles. De même, si pour l’ouest du bassin méditerranéen on parle davantage du commerce de poisson salé, les régions orientales, ainsi que le bassin pontique, montrent une plus grande propension aux activités halieutiques, donc liées à la pêche. REZUMAT Lucrarea reprezintă o trecere în revistă a surselor literare, epigrafice și papirologice care menționează personaje implicate, într-un fel sau altul, în activități legate(…)

Cohors I Pannoniorum Et Delmatarum: Brief Incursion Into The History Of An Ephemeral Auxiliary Unit

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 386-396 Ionuţ ACRUDOAE DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-8 ABSTRACT This study focuses on the brief history of a mixed auxiliary unit within the Roman army: cohors I Pannoniorum et Delmatarum. Founded in the late first century AD, it had a short lifespan of around a century, and the prosopography of the soldiers within this unit mentioned only four persons. The cohort disappeared entirely from the sources after the year 197, in the civil war during the reign of Septimius Severus. REZUMAT Acest studiu se va axa pe scurta istorie a unei unităţi auxiliare mixte a armatei romane: cohors I Pannoniorum et Delmatarum. Constituită la finele secolului I p.Chr., a avut o viaţă scurtă, de aproximativ un secol, iar prosopografia militarilor din această unitate a surprins doar patru persoane. Cohorta a dispărut definitiv din surse după anul 197, în războiul civil din vremea lui Septimius Severus. KEYWORDS mixed auxiliary(…)

Las últimas emperatrices julio-claudias: estudio de sus imágenes públicas

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 354-384 Helena LÓPEZ GÓMEZ DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-7 ABSTRACT Despite the importance they had in their time, many of the women of the Roman imperial families share a bad image that continues to this day. The pejorative description, present in the accounts of ancient historians, has made these female characters largely unintelligible and it is practically impossible to reach an objective conclusion about their true role in history. The present article aims to offer an analysis of the images of the last empresses of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. We will focus on the wives of Caligula, Claudius and Nero by analyzing the literary evidence we possess about them in order to try to reach a conclusion free of the powerful misogynistic impressions about them that have been provided in the past. To this end, we have taken into account not only the life trajectories of the empresses, but(…)

Delius of Plutarch and Dias of Flavius Philostratus: On the Political Activities of Platonists in the Fourth Century BC

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 346-352 Maxim M. Kholod DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-6 ABSTRACT The present paper evaluates from the point of view of historical credibility two passages, that of Plutarch (Adv. Colot., 32.1126d) and that of Flavius Philostratus (Vitae soph., 485–486), where respectively Delius and Dias appear. The first of the persons, as is claimed, especially influenced Alexander the Great and the second did Philip II in the matter of the war against Persia. The author argues that in contrast to Philostratus’ report, Plutarch’s account can well be accepted (albeit not without reservations) as credible. REZUMAT Acest studiu evaluează, dintr-un punct de vedere istoric, credibilitatea a două pasaje literare: cel al lui Plutarh (Adv. Colot., 32.1126d) și cel al lui Flavius Philostratus (Vitae soph., 485–486). Mai exact, este vorba despre cele în care apar numele lui Delius și Dias. Primul dintre cei doi ar fi fost o influență importantă asupra lui(…)

The Funeral Rite of the Spartan Kings

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 330-345 Larisa PECHATNOVA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-5 ABSTRACT This article is a historical commentary on Herodotus’ account of the funerals of the Spartan kings. It is an attempt on the author’s part to explain why for centuries the royal funerary ritual continued unchanged despite its being too lavish for ascetic Sparta. The study focuses on the socio-economic composition of the funeral attendees. In the author’s opinion, the participation of representatives of the lower classes – the helots and perioikoi – in the ceremony facilitated the evolvement of elites from both categories of the Spartan subordinate population. The funeral ceremony performed an important ideological and propaganda function serving as a unifying factor for all the social classes and indoctrinating the masses with the belief in the eternal and immutable nature of the royal authority and, by extension, of the Spartan state. REZUMAT Articolul de față reprezintă un comentariu(…)

Through Geometry Towards Functionality. Case Study: Noua pottery from Jijia catchment, NE Romania

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 296-318 Casandra BRAȘOVEANU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-3 ABSTRACT During Late Bronze Age, the evolutions of previous archaeological cultures (from the Middle Bronze Age) are continued and completed, but there are also two important cultural complexes emerging, namely: Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni and Zimnicea-Plovdiv. The subject of interest in the present study is represented by Noua culture, attested in a vast area, from the middle and upper Dniester, to the east of Apuseni Mountains and from the Subcarpathian region of Ukraine to the south of the forest-steppe area between Siret and Prut Rivers. Although, over time, the specific communities of this cultural manifestation have been investigated in numerous specialized studies, the interdisciplinary methods used in recent years can offer new information that contribute to the obtaining of a much clearer picture regarding the behavior of the human groups in question. In this sense, in the present paper, special attention was paid(…)