No XIX (2013)

Age rounding and social status in Moesia Inferior

The study overall concerns the age-rounding process in the Latin inscriptions, which has triggered the interest of the researchers starting with the 19th century. The first part of this study deals with the age-rounding process in the province of Moesia Inferior, by comparing the data with those provided for other Lower Danube provinces, differentiated on gender. The second part of this study presents the age-rounding process depending on the legal status of the deceased by using Whipple’s Index. The values of age rounding are close to those obtained for the other Lower Danube provinces. It is worth mentioning that there are more ages ending in 0 and 5 than in other digits. Concerning the legal status, the age-rounding process is less accentuated in the case of citizens and militaries

Two inscriptions from Sarmizegetusa revisited

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 19(1): 79-86 Rada Varga, Centre for Roman Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ABSTRACT The current work deals with two funerary inscriptions from Sarmizegetusa and the identity of their dedicator. Based on text details, as well as on stylistic and functional characteristics of the monuments, we got to the conclusion that the dedicator of the two epitaphs is the same person: Herculanus, imperial verna and adiutor tabularii in the capital of Dacia. Articolul de faţă are ca obiect de studiu două inscripţii funerare de la Sarmizegetusa şi identitatea dedicantului lor. Bazându-ne pe date extrase din conţinutul textelor, precum şi pe caracteristici stilistice şi funcţionale ale monumentelor, am ajuns la concluzia că cele două epitafuri au acelaşi dedicant : Herculanus, verna imperial şi adiutor tabularii în capitala Daciei.   KEYWORDS CIL III 1468, AE 1959 303, libertus, family relations FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

The ambos of the Christian basilicas within the province of Scythia

Considered an element of Oriental tradition, the ambo is a rare presence within the liturgical furniture in the Christian basilicas of this province situated between the Danube and the Black Sea. The archaeological discoveries have underlined the presence of this essential element within the Christian service, mostly in the centres situated along the western Black Sea coast, both Romanian and Bulgarian (Histria, Tomis, Bizone, Topola). Hence, traces of certain ambos in the paving of some Christian basilicas (Histria, Zaldapa) have been discovered, as well as a series of elements from balustrades, made of Proconnesus marble and decorated with Christian symbols (Tomis). This study underlines the presence of the axial, Constantinopolitan ambo, diffused mainly in the 6th century AD.

Quelques considérations sur la configuration de l’espace urbain dans la ville pré-moderne de Iași

The morphology analysis of the pre-modern town in the East-European space is encumbered by the lack of maps and zoning plans, as well as by the small quantity of preserved documentary sources. In the case of Iași, the Russian military maps of the 18th century, together with the General plan of Iași made by the French engineer Joseph Bayardi, creates the base for analysis, corroborated by the historical documentary sources recently edited. The general analysis we carry out considers the origins, emergence, evolution and distribution of the town quarters/cores, the streets configuration as well as the size, distribution and evolution of urban plots. The analysis uses both cartographic and documentary sources, supported by analogies with the similar situations in the rest of Moldavia, which are documented by archaeology, and in Central and Western Europe, when the analogy is appropriate