“People in Dark Times”: Damaskius on Political Persecution and the Philosophical Way of Life

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 141-152 Eugene AFONASIN DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-8 ABSTRACT The Neoplatonic philosophers developed a complicated and quite ingenious concept of the grades of virtue, starting with such common human virtues, as the natural, ethical and political, and finishing which those attainable only by the real seekers of the highest truth, such as the purificatory, contemplative, paradigmatic, and hieratic. In the paper I trace the evolution of the Neoplatonic grades of virtue by means of the select passages from Damascius’ “Philosophical History,” which deal specifically with the character of Damascius’ revered teacher. The life of Isidore is presented by his student as an ascent along the path of Neoplatonic perfection, moreover, by chance or not, but in the surviving fragments of this work, which tells about many remarkable philosophers and theurgists, it is Isidore who ultimately attains the last seventh degree of virtue. Possessing outstanding personal qualities and even(…)

A Greek graffito Discovered in the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov Settlement from Negrilești, Galați County

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 105-121 Ana HONCU, Paul CIUBOTARU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-7 ABSTRACT . The paper publishes a Greek graffito on a Zeest 80 amphora, found in Negrilești, in the settlement of Sântana de Mureș- Chernyakhov culture. The words ΝΑΥΚΛΕΡ(…) ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ inscribed on the upper part of the amphora can be associated with primary content the transport process –loading the container on the ship at the place of origin of the content. The characteristics of the amphora and the inscription are connected with the oil supply in the province of Scythia. The information highlights the trade connections of the settlements from the Lower Danube with the eastern provinces of Roman Empire at the end of the 3rd century, the beginning of the 4th century AD. REZUMAT Articolul propune restituirea unui graffito în limba greacă de pe o amforă Zeest 80, descoperită la Negrilești, în așezarea Sântana de Mureș- Cerneahov. Cele(…)

The Cult of Azizos in Roman Dacia: New Approaches

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 105-121 Juan Ramón CARBÓ GARCÍA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-6 ABSTRACT The spread of the cult of the divinity of Syrian-Arabic origin Azizos from the East to the Danubian provinces and Rome has traditionally been related to its importance in the Syrian city of Edessa and to different Roman military campaigns against the Parthians and the Sassanid Persians in that same area, in the second and third centuries A.D. Through the analysis of the epigraphic repertoire of this divinity in Dacia, as well as with the study of certain monetary emissions of the time of Emperor Elagabalus and with the revision of the ancient literary texts, we present certain results, which can open new perspectives of study. The importance of Edessa as the origin of the spread of the cult of Azizos in Dacia can be generally confirmed, in the cases of some inscriptions of precise dating and(…)

Territorium Ciuitatis Ausdecensium: an Open Issue of Ancient Topo-Demography

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 71-104 Alexandru CODESCU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-5 ABSTRACT This paper aims at re-examining the available data regarding the location of ciuitas Ausdecensium in Moesia Inferior, starting from the uncertainty as to the place where was discovered the inscription CIL III 144372 – the famous boundary stone which records the resolution of a land dispute between this ciuitas and a neighbouring population of Dacians. The analysis is focused on some key-elements which could elucidate the relation between ciuitas Ausdecensium and the Thracian strategy Οὐσδικησική recorded by Ptolemy: the fact that we deal with a boundary stone which, therefore, was initially placed at an extremity of the territory belonging to this ciuitas, the fact that this territory extended in the opposite direction, most probably to the south, from the place where the boundary stone was installed, as well as the fact that the interprovincial border between Moesia Inferior and(…)

Minor Inscriptions from The Western Pontic Area Between The 1st-3rd Centuries A.D. Re-Gatherings and Discussions on Their Account

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 56-69 Bogdan CHIRILOAIE DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-4 ABSTRACT This study deals with a less discussed topic, minor inscriptions, in the literature. It discusses how some minor inscriptions can provide us with information about the economic and commercial situation in the West Pontic area. The results obtained allowed us to identify the economic context of the province and also to observe where these inscriptions are concentrated, mainly in the military environment. It was found once again that the West Pontic towns never formed their own system of distribution of goods and did not benefit from a policy that allowed them to function as an economic system in their own right. We have also attempted to highlight the language and socio-communicative framework in which we arrive at the hypothesis that inscriptions of any kind were a sign of ownership. REZUMAT Studiul de față tratează un subiect mai puțin discutat,(…)

The Use of Sacred Context for Slave Consecrations and Manumissions in Boeotia, Macedonia and Anatolia

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 47-55 Iulian MOGA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-3 ABSTRACT In this contribution I will focus on some observations on the typology of these categories of epigraphs, with emphasis on regional particularities and chronological landmarks. In the second part of the study, however, I will highlight the situations encountered in Boeotia at Chaironeia, in Asia Minor, particularly in connection with the sanctuary of Helios Apollo Lairbenos, and in Macedonia, at Leukopetra, where the dedications are addressed to the Autochthonous Mother of the Gods. It is therefore necessary to make a few clarifications concerning the typology of these inscriptions, their formal aspect, the terms used to define the act of dedication or consecration, the particularities generated by the types of conditions that had to be satisfied, and the ways of dating the existing epigraphic material. REZUMAT În această contribuție mă voi concentra asupra unor observații privind tipologia acestor categorii de(…)

A New Lot of Greek Amphoric Stamps from Medgidia Elenistic 1 site, Constanța County

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 21-45 Natalia MATEEVICI, Petre COLȚEANU DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-2 ABSTRACT The preventive archaeological research carried out on the Medgidia Elenistic 1 site, by MINA Constanța, which took place between November 2022 and July 2023, brought to light a rich and beautiful ceramic material of all kinds, from Getic and Scythian hand modeled pottery by – to luxury black-glazed Greek vessels, gray pottery and, of course, a rich batch of Greek amphorae and their fragments. In general terms, the discovered material falls chronologically between the IV and III BC.Among the amphoric material, the majority on the site, a special place is occupied by the amphoric stamps (67), coming from 6 Greek producing centers, both Mediterranean – Thasos, Cnidos, Rhodes, and from the Pontic ones – Heraclea, Sinope, Chersones. Among the stamps from Medgidia, some specimens of unknown centers were also noticed, some present for the first time in(…)

King Agesilaus and the Trial of Phoebidas

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29(1): 5-20 Larisa Pechatnova DOI: 10.47743/saa-2023-29-1-1 ABSTRACT The article exploresthetradition about the capture ofThebes fortressCadmea by the Spartan commander Phoebidas (382 BC). The purpose of the article is, first, to consider the degree of participation of King Agesilaus in the capture of Cadmea, and, secondly, to find out the reason why Agesilaus defended Phoebidas in court. The author concludes that Agesilaus’ defense of war criminals like Phoebidas and Sphodrias had disastrous consequences for Sparta. According to the author, the blame for the violation of the Peace, the break of relations with the allies and the defeat of the Battle of Leuctra can be partly laid on Agesilaus. REZUMAT Articolul explorează tradiția despre cucerirea fortăreței Cadmeea de către comandantul spartan Phoebidas (382 î.Hr.). Scopul articolului este, în primul rând, de a analizamodul în care regele Agesilaus a participat la cucerirea Cadmeei și, în al doilea rând, de(…)

The Long-Armed Persian King: Disabled or Powerful Man?

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 320-329 Eduard V. RUNG, Aleksandr S. SAPOGOV, Igor V. VOSTRIKOV DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-4 ABSTRACT This article examines the evidence of ancient authors on the unofficial nicknames of Achaemenid Persian kings. It pays special attention to the interpretation of the nickname of Μακρόχειρ. Two variants are considered for its translation. In the first case, one must talk about the ancient authors’ perceptions of this nickname as relating to a person who had one arm longer than the other. In the second case, the nickname is interpreted metaphorically: it is believed to be used for a ruler who is seeking an extension of his possessions. The possibility of applying the nickname of Μακρόχειρ to each of the three Persian kings – Darius I, Xerxes, and Artaxerxes I – is investigated.   KEYWORDS Nicknames, Artaxerxes, Darius, Xerxes, Achaemenids.   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)

Salt Exploitation References in Plinius Maior’s Work

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 454-472 Mihaela ASĂNDULESEI DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-13 ABSTRACT This article aims to approach the work of Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, from the perspective of salt exploitation, highlighting the forms of manifestation, its geographical distribution and briefly the main uses. The motivation of the present paper materialized after going through Pliny’s text, which revealed a subject that lacks fluency to a certain extent. Pliny distinguishes two categories of salt, according to its state, natural and artificial. Thus, a first systematization of the references about salt identified in Naturalis Historia is based on these aspects, highlighting, in thecase of the natural state of theexplored mineral, thesalt lakes, springs or salt mountains and sea water; regarding the artificial state of salt, mentions of salt pans have been documented. Along these, a short excursus regarding the medicinal uses of salt is added, in order to better portray the image of(…)

Barry Strauss, Spartacus War, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2022, 290 p.

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28(2): 474-477 Alex – Marian CORNEA DOI: 10.47743/saa-2022-28-2-14 Book Review We mark the appearance of a publication that deals with a subject of interest to the general public, namely the story of the legendary Spartacus. We look at the issue of slaves in the ancient world, which has inspired novelists and filmmakers over the years. Barry Strauss is a professor at Cornell University and a renowned expert on ancient military history. He has written or edited several works in his sphere of influence: The Fathers and Sons of Athens: Ideology and Society in the Age of Peloponnesian Warfare (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1993), The Battle of Salamis (Simon&Schuster, New York, 2005), The Trojan War (Simon&Schuster, New York, 2007), Masters of Command (Simon&Schuster, New York, 2012), The Death of Caesar (Simon&Schuster, New York, 2015), and Ten Caesars (Simon&Schuster, New York, 2019).   FULL ARTICLE Download PDF (free)